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聊城大学 留学生手册


签证、居留许可申请 1

Visa and Residence Permit 3

新生报到注册 6

Registration 7

聊城大学外国留学生违纪处分细则 8

第一章 总则 8

第二章 违纪的处分 8

第三章 处分的加重与减轻 13

第四章 纪行为的调查和处理 13

Code of Punishment for Disciplinary Offence of International Students 16

Chapter One General Principal 16

Chapter Two Punishment 17

Chapter Thre Aggravation and Alleviation of the Sanctions 24

Chapter Four Investigation and Treatment of the Disciplinary Offence 24

留学生考勤和考试纪律管理规范 27


聊城大学国际教育学院留学生请假制度 31

一、请假规则 31

二、请假权限 31

三、续假 31

四、销假 31

Ask for Leave System in College of International Education for International Students 33

First, regulations for ask for leave system 33

Second, permission on ask for leave 34

Third, extension of applied absence 34

Fourth, report back after absence 34

Fifth, the others 34

留学生宿舍管理规定 36

Overseas Student Hostel management Rules 38

教室及课堂秩序管理规定 40

Classroom Order 41

安全 42

Safety 44

校园生活 47





  1. 签证申请

国际教育学院将录取通知书、报到须知、JW201/JW202 表(签证申请表)寄给学生。学生持有效护照、录取通知书、JW201/JW202 表、体检报告到当地中国使领馆申请X16个月以学习)或X26月以下学习) 签证。报到须知在入学报到时,签名后交回学校。

2. 新生申请居留许可

1) 新生必须持X1/X2”签证入境。入境后需尽快抵达聊城,在到达聊城 24小时之内必须到当地派出所报临时住宿登记,如抵达聊城后 24 小时内未报登记的视为过期。“X1”签证有效时间为入境时间的三十天,在这 30 内新生必须完成居留许可申请手续。持 X2 签证的学生仅需在到达聊城的 24 小时内向当地派出所报临时住宿登记。

2) 新生在学校报到登记后,需要到聊城市人民医院体检中心做体检。体检结果 3天后出来,直接送到留学生办公室。

3) 若体检合格,新生需到桐园办公室准备相关材料后,再到出入境申请办理居留许可。若体检不合格,学生需立即出境回国。签证所需材料:护照、JW202 表原件、录取通知书原件、交学费证明、两张 1寸照片、体检结果证明原件。

4) 签证办公室工作人员协助新生到出入境申请居留许可。一般 15 个工 作日之取回护照(不包周日以及国家法节假。取回新的护照后,复印新的居留许可进行存根。

3. 老生申请居留许可延期

1) 老生如更换了住宿地址,需持护照和租房合同(仅校外生)到所在地派出 所报临时住宿登记。

2) 留学生需在签证到期前一个月持护照、1寸照片、成绩单到办公室。工作人员对护照最新信息进行网上更新,打印外国人居留许可申请表。

3) 工作人员带学生本人去出入境进行现场信息采集,办理居留许可延期。 办理居留许可所需的材料有:护照原件复印件、护照签证页复印件、入境 时间章复印件、JW202 表原件及复印件、录取通知书原件复印件、原件、和签证申表、函(办公室出具

4) 出入境受理材料之后,15 个工作日之后可以取回护照(不包括周六周日 以及国家法定节假日。取回护照后,复印新的居留许可存底备查。

4. 转学生申请居留许可

1) 转学生到学校报到后 24 小时内必须持护照、和转学证明原件到当地派出所报临时住宿登记

2) 转学生必须持护照、录取通知书、JW202 表、1寸照片一张及原学校开具的转学证明原件(或毕业证或离校证明)到签 证办公室申请变更新的居留许可。

3) 出入境受理材料之后,15 个工作日之后可以取回护照(不包括周六周日 以及国家法定节假日。取回护照后,复印新的居留许可存底备查。




Visa and Residence Permit


  1. Visa Application

College of International Education posts the unconditional/conditional offer, Notice for Freshmen, JW201/JW202 (visa application form) to students. Students shall apply for X1 (6 months) /X2 (6 months) study visa from the Chinese embassy or consulate in the country by valid  passport, offer, JW201/JW202 form and the physical examination report. The Notice for Freshmen is required to be signed and returned to LIE on registration.

  1. Residence Permit Application for Freshmen
    1. Freshmen shall enter China against X1/X2 visa. Students are required to arrive in Liaocheng city as soon as possible, and register in local police station within 24 hours on arrival in Liaocheng city. Since X1 visa expires in 30 days inform entry to China, students shall finish the residence permit application within 30 days. Students holding X2 visa are only required to register in local police station within 24 hours on arrival in Liaocheng.
    2. After registration in LIE, students are required to take physical examination in Healthcare Center in Liaocheng downtown. The examination costs 500 RMB, and 3 2-inch photos with white background, and passport are required. The examination report will be mailed to the Tongyuan office on campus 3 days later.
    3. If students pass the physical examination, they are required to prepare the following documents in visa office A0103 to apply for residence permit: valid passport, original JW202 form, original offer, tuition fee payment receipt, one 2-inch photo, original medical test result, the temporary accommodation registration page provided by the  local police station. If students fail the physical examination, they are equired to exit China as soon as possible.
    4. The teacher in visa office will help students to apply for residence permit in Exit and Entry Office. It takes 15 days for the office to issue residence permit, not including weekends and national holidays. Usually a photocopy of the residence permit will be kept in campus visa office.
  2. Extension of Residence Permit
    1. If students change their living address, they shall do temporary accommodation registration in local police station with passport and lease contract (only students living off-campus).
    2. One month before the expiry date, students are required to apply for extension of residence permit in office with passport, one 2-inch photo, transcript, and lease contract (only students living outside). The teacher in visa office shall update the passport information and make an appointment online. An application form will be printed at the same time.
    3. The teacher in visa office will help students to apply for residence permit in Exit and Entry Office. The required documents include passport and one photocopy, a photocopy of visa page, entry stamp, JW202 and one photocopy, admission notice and a photocopy, a photocopy of lease contract (only students living outside), original transcript, visa application form, and confirmation letter issued by college office.
    4. It takes 15 days for the office to issue residence permit, not including weekends and national holidays. Usually a photocopy of the residence permit will be kept in campus visa office.
  3. Extension of Residence Permit for transfer students
    1. Transfer students shall do the temporary accommodation  registration

in local police station within 24 hours after registering in school. The required documents include passport, lease contract (only students living outside) and original transfer certificate.

  1. Transfer students are required to renew residence permit in visa office with passport, offer, JW202, one 2-inch photo, lease contract (only students living outside) and original transfer certificate or leaving certificate, or graduation certificate issued by the former university.
  2. It takes 15 days for the office to issue residence permit, not including weekends and national holidays. Usually a photocopy of the residence permit will be kept in campus visa office.





1. 被录取者必须在规定的时间来校报到注册。如无法按时报到,应在开学前至

2 周告知学校,经学校同意后,方可延期入学。否则,将被取消入学资格。

2. 新生报到注册时须携带以下材料:

1) 有效的护照原件

2) X1/X2签证

3) 录取通知书原件

4) JW201/JW202表原件

5) 体检报告原件

6) 41寸照片

7) 第一学年的全部费用

3. 被录取者必须在入境后 24 小时内,来校报到注册。若无法在入境后 24 小时 内来校报到,应在临时住宿的宾馆或最近的公安局派出所办理临时住宿手续, 否则,将受到公安部门的罚款。

4. 报到注册时按学年(学习期限)一次性缴纳全部学习费用。

5. 在留学生公寓缴纳住宿费及押金,凭公寓缴费收 据及学费收据办理居留许可。

6. 报到注册地点:桐园二楼






  1. Admitted applicants shall register at UPC before the deadline stated in the Notification of Admission. If you cannot register in due time, you must inform UPC AT LEAST TWO WEEKS prior to the start of the semester to obtain an official permission. If you did not register accordingly, we wouldl assume that you had decided not to study in the program and our offer would be automatically withdrawn.
  2. Admitted students shall bring the following documents for registration:
    1. Valid Passport
    2. X1/X2 Visa
    3. Original Admission Notification
    4. Original JW201/JW202
    5. Completed Foreigner Physical Examination Form
    6. 4 photos (25mm×35mm)
    7. All the fees for the First Academic Year
  3. Admitted students MUST register at UPC WITHIN 24 HOURS after arriving in China. If you CANNOT register in due time, you MUST register at the hotel or the nearest police office where you will temporarily stay. Otherwise, you could be fined according to the law.
  4. Admitted students are required to pay all the cost of attendance for an academic year (study period) by one payment on registration.
  5.  Students pay the accommodation fee and deposit in the office on the second floor.
  6. Registration: on the second floor in Tongyuan. In registration, admitted students shall go to Admission Office to get the registration procedure form at first, and then go through the procedures step by step as form shows to finish the registration.



第一章 总则

第一条 为了维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障留学生身心健康, 促进留学生德智体等方面全面发展,根据中华人民共和国《普通高校学 校学生管理规定》、中华人民共和国《高等学校学生行为准则》和聊城大学学生管理的相关规定,结合我校留学生实际情况,制定本条例。

第二条 对有违法、违规、违纪行为的学生,学校给予批评教育或者纪律处分。 纪律处分的种类分为:1. 口头警告 ;2. 书面警告;3.留校察看;4. 开除学籍。

第三条 学校根据学生违法、违规、违纪行为的性质及与过错严重程度相适应的 原则,按照证据充分、定性准确、依据明确、程序正当、处分适当的要 求,对学生进行纪律处分。


第二章 违纪的处分

第一条 违反中华人民共和国宪法,扰乱学校和社会秩序者。情节轻微,经教育 能认识和改正错误的,给予留校察看处分;情节严重或经教育坚持不改 者,给予开除学籍处分。

第二条 违反中华人民共和国法律、法规,受到公安、司法机关处罚者: 1. 被处以治安警告或罚款的,给予留校察看处分;

2. 被处以治安拘留的,给予留校察看或以上处分;

3. 触犯中华人民共和国国家法律,构成刑事犯罪的,给予开除学籍处分。

第三条 凡吸毒、贩毒、制毒者,给予开除学籍处分。

第四条 举行或参与非法游行、集会、示威等行为者,给予留校察看处分;为首 者给予开除学籍处分。

第五条 参与邪教或进行邪教活动,视其情节轻重,给予留校察看或以上处分。

第六条 主动参与非法传销者给予书面警告及以上处分。在学校进行非法传销者


第七条 在校园内进行宗教活动者,视其情节轻重,给予书面警告或以上处分。

第八条 偷窃、诈骗国家、集体或私人财物者,除追回钱物和赔偿损失外,处罚款 1000 元,并根据实际情况分别给予以下处分;

1. 一次偷窃或诈骗财物的价值人民币 500 元(含 500 元)以下者,给予书面 警告处分;

2. 一次偷窃或诈骗财物价值超过人民币 500 元者,给予留校察看或开除学 籍处分;

3. 偷窃或诈骗手段恶劣或屡教不改者,给予开除学籍处分;

4. 协同盗窃作案或提供伪证者,给予留校察看或以上处分;

5. 盗用他人证件冒领、骗取他人的邮寄钱物者,除追回冒领的钱物外,给 予留校察看或以上处分。

第九条 明知是赃物而购买或为他人窝赃、销赃者:

1. 购买赃物者,除退回赃物外,给予口头警告或以上处分;

2. 为他人窝赃、销赃者,给予书面警告或以上处分;

3. 构成犯罪的,移交司法机关处理。

第十条 有赌博、酗酒行为者:

1. 参与赌博者视其情节给予口头警告或书面警告处分屡次参与赌者, 给予留校察看或以上处分;

2. 酗酒滋事,威胁他人,危及他人人身财物安全或扰乱公共秩序,情节较 轻者,完成相应民事、刑事责任或赔偿后,给予书面警告或留校察看处 分;造成严重后果者,完成相应民事、刑事责任或赔偿后,给予留校察 看或以上处分。

第十一条 破坏国家、集体和他人财物者,除照价赔偿外,视其情节给予纪律 处分:

1. 破坏财物价值在人民币 500 元以下(含 500 元)者,给予口头警告或以 上处分;

2. 破坏财物价值在人民币 500 元以上者,给予留校察看或以上处分。

第十二条 肇事、打人、斗殴、作伪证,私藏公安管制器械,为打架提供器械者,分别给予下列处分:

1. 肇事者:


不守秩序,不听劝阻,用语言侮辱或其他方式触及他人,引起事端或激 化矛盾造成打架、群殴、视后果给予书面警告或以上处分;

2. 打人者:

1) 动手打人未伤及他人的,给予书面警告处分;

2) 致他人轻微伤及其以上的,给予留校察看或以上处分;

3) 寻衅报复打人者:

a) 未伤及他人的,给予书面警告处分;

b) 致他人轻微伤的,完成相应民事、刑事责任或赔偿后,给予留校 察看处分;

c) 致他人轻伤及以上的,完成相应民事、刑事责任或赔偿后,给予 开除学籍处分。

4) 凡持械打人者,分别按本款所列各项加重一级处分。

3. 策划或为首聚众打架、群殴者:

1) 凡策划或为首聚众打架、群殴的,给予留校察看或以上处分;

2) 造成轻微伤的,给予留校察看处分;

第十三条 造成轻伤及其以上的,给予开除学籍处分。

4. 被邀参与打人或群殴者:

1) 虽未动手,但使矛盾激化或事态扩大的,给予口头警告或书面警告 处分;

2) 动手打人,按本条第二款相应项所列的最高一级给予处分。

5. 偏袒、作伪证或私下了结纠纷者:

1) 以“劝架”为名,偏袒一方,致使事态扩大,视其情节轻重和造成 的后果,给予口头警告或以上处分;

2) 故意为他人作伪证,给调查工作造成困难的,给予书面警告或以上 处分;

3) 虽未参与但知情不报,并擅自找有关各方私自了结,致使事态延续 甚至扩大的,给予留校察看或以上处分;

4) 为打架提供器械者:

a) 未造成后果的,给予书面警告处分;

b) 造成后果的,给予留校察看或以上处分。

6. 私藏、携带公安管制器械,给予留校察看处分;造成后果的,开除学籍;

7. 凡有前述各款中两款或两款以上的,按相应处分中最高处分等级再加重处分,直至开除学籍;

8. 因打人或群殴造成的财物损失、产生的医疗费等费用,一律由责任者承担;责任人为两人或两人以上者,由学校相关部门根据具体情况裁定各自赔偿的份额。

第十四条 严重违背公民道德规范者:

1. 有调戏侮辱妇女等流氓滋扰行为的视其情节给予留校察看以上处分;

2. 制作、复制、传播、隐匿淫秽物品的,给予留校察看或开除学籍处分;

3. 私自留宿校外人员,视其情节,给予书面警告或以上处分;

4. 卖淫、嫖娼以及介绍或容留卖淫、嫖娼的,给予开除学籍处分。

第十五条 有下列扰乱公共秩序、危害公共安全、破坏公共设施、侵犯通信权利等行为之一,并造成不良影响者:

1. 扰乱课堂、公寓、会场、运动场、影剧院等场所公共秩序的,视情节轻 重给予书面警告或以上处分;

2. 在学生公寓使用违规电器,视情节轻重,给予书面警告或以上处分;

3. 破坏学校电源、广播、通讯等公共设施的,视其情节,给予留校察看或 以上处分;

4. 学生寝室严禁使用燃器具。违反上述规定的,视其情节分别给予下列处 分:

1) 在寝室使用燃具,经教育不改的,给予书面警告或以上处分;

2) 违反规定造成火灾损失者,除赔偿经济损失外,给予下列处分:

a) 损失在人民币 500 元以下的,视其情节给予书面警告或留校察看处分;

b) 损失在人民币 500 元以上的,视其情节给予留校察看或以上处分。

5. 隐匿、毁弃或私拆他人邮件的,视其情节给予留校察看或以上处分;

6. 利用发送信息、电话、匿名信件等,恶意骚扰、攻击或欺骗他人,视其 情节给予书面警告或以上处分;

7. 阻碍中华人民共和国国家工作人员依法执行公务、阻碍学校管理人员依 校规校纪履行职责者,视其情节给予留校察看或以上处分;

第十六条 侵犯学校权益或参与非法经商活动者,分别给予以下处分:

1. 弄虚作假骗取学校奖学金等,除收回所得资金外,给予留校察看或以上 处分;

2. 泄露学校科技成果及技术机密,私自转让、使用学校科技成果,视其情 节给予留校察看或以上处分;

3. 在校园内从事违规违纪的经商活动,给予书面警告或以上处分。

第十七条 利用计算机等技术手段违纪者,除赔偿所造成的损失外,视其情节,


1. 利用计算机或其他科技手段盗窃中华人民共和国、集体和他人财产及有 价值的数据资料或骗取服务的;

2. 未经允许擅自使用学校或他人计算机、电话或其他设备,给学校或他人 造成较大损失的;

3. 故意篡改、删除或破坏他人计算机文件,造成损失的;

4. 登陆非法网站或利用计算机等技术手段将带有欺诈性的、破坏性的、违 反社会公德等有害信息传入设备、计算机系统或计算机网络。

第十八条 违反考试纪律者:

1. 违反考场纪律者,视其情节轻重,给予口头警告或以上处分;

2. 由他人代替考试、替他人参加考试、组织作弊、使用通讯设备作弊及其 他作弊行为严重者,给予开除学籍处分;

3. 除第2 项的其他作弊者,给予留校察看处分; 第十九条 无故旷课者:

1. 一学期累计无故旷课 10-19 学时的,给予口头警告处分。

2. 一学期累计无故旷课 20-29 学时的,给予书面警告处分。

3. 一学期累计无故旷课 30-49 学时的,给予留校察看处分;

4. 一学期累计无故旷课 50 学时及其以上的,视为放弃学籍,按自动退学处 理;

5. 不请假擅自离校的,开学不能按时返校,并未书面通知学校的,每天按

旷课 6 学时计算;

6. 未请假离校连续超过两周(含周末假日)的,或未经学校批准擅自离校 三次的,给予开除学籍处分。

7. 除了住院治疗等特殊情况,凡请假者,5 学时请假=1 学时旷课。请假必 须有书面申请及相关证明材料。

第二十条 弄虚作假,剽窃、抄袭他人研究成果,视其情节,给予留校察看或开除学籍以上处分。

第二十一条  擅自租房居住未向学院报备者,给予口头警告或以上处分;经教育 不改者,给予书面警告或以上处分。

第二十二条  私自下海游泳者,给予口头警告或以上处分。

第二十三条  留学生不得驾驶摩托车、汽车。一经发现,学校给予留校察看以上处分。


第三章 处分的加重与减轻

第一条 违纪学生有下列情形之一者,可以减轻一级处分: 1. 违纪后立即主动向有关部门报告、交代错误的;

2. 主动检举共同违纪人问题,经查证属实的;

3. 有其他立功表现的。

第二条 有下列情形之一者,加重一级处分:

1. 违纪后,不主动到有关部门交待问题或认错态度不好的;

2. 威胁、报复检举人和证人的;

3. 违纪者隐瞒事实真相的;

4. 违纪者故意拖欠赔偿费用的;

5. 包庇、怂恿他人违纪或嫁祸于人的。

第三条 屡次违反学校规定受到纪律处分,经教育不改者,给予开除学籍处分。


第四章 纪行为的调查和处理

第一条 留学生违纪行为调查:

1. 留学生的一般违纪行为,由国际教育学院学生事务办公室负责组织调查、 取证,向学院提出处理意见。由学生事务办公室出具最终处分决议,并 公示一周。

2. 违反《中华人民共和国治安处罚条例》以及中华人民共和国有关法律法 规的学生违纪事件,由校公安处负责调查,国际教育学院协助调查,由 校公安处上报给学校及上级部门,国际教育学院负责将情况向对方做出 说明。

第二条 处理违纪留学生应当具备的材料:

1. 主要证据:包括当事人的检查、陈述、申辩;证人证言、证物、鉴定结 论和费用支出票据等;国家行政、司法机关的裁决、决定等;

2. 审批材料:留学生违纪处分意见所列的内容真实,手续完备、符合程序;

3. 综合报告:由国际教育学院写出综合报告。

第三条 处分的权限和时限:

1. 对违纪学生处分的权限

1) 口头警告、书面警告和留校察看处分由学院学生事务办公室提出处 理意见,经国际教育学院审批后,学生事务办公室出具处分决议并 公示一周;

2) 开除学籍处分由国际教育学院学生事务办公室提出处理意见,经学 院各部门完成开除学生处分流程,院领导审批签字后,学生事务办 公室出具开除决议并公示一周,签证办公室负责在 15 天内注销开除 学生的学习签证。

2. 对违纪学生处分的时限:国际教育学院应当在调查工作结束后 3 个工作

日内做出处理意见,特殊情况下不得超过 5 个工作日。

第四条 违纪学生的处分程序:

1. 由国际教育学院学生事务办公室搜集违纪材料;

2. 由国际教育学院学生事务办公室根据违纪材料依照有关规定提出处理意 见;

3. 国际教育学院对报送的处分材料进行讨论研究,并听取学生或者其代理 人的陈述和申辩,提出处理建议或签署意见。

第五条 对违纪学生的处分决定统一以学院名义,以中英文字发公告。学生违纪 处分决定书内容包括违纪事实和处分依据等。

第六条 处分决定书送交受处分学生本人。无法送交本人的,通过班长、班主任 告知或电话、邮件等渠道送达处分决议。

第七条 国际教育学院将按照有关规定对违纪学生的签证种类及期限做出相应变 更,并报送公安部门。

第八条 学生对处分决定有异议的在接到学院处分决定书之日起 5 个工作日内, 可以向学院领导提出书面申诉。

第九条 学生在接到申诉决定后,如果仍须退学的,从接到申诉决定之日起两周

(十个工作日)之内,必须缴清所欠费用,办理完离校手续,搬离学生 公寓并离校。

第十条 对学生的处分材料,学院学生事务办公室真实完整地归入留学生违纪处 分档案中。

第十一条 本实施细则未列举的其他违纪行为,又确应给予处分的,参照本条 例相近条款和其他有关规定处理。

第十二条 本实施细则与聊城大学其他规定互为补充。

第十三条 本条例由国际教育学院负责解释。



Code of Punishment for Disciplinary Offence of International Students


Chapter One General Principal

Clause 1. This code is stipulated to ensure a peaceful and living environment in the university and to safeguard the physical and psychological health of the students according to the Regulations on Administration of students in Colleges and Universities and Students Conduct Code in Colleges and Universities in China.

Clause 2. Students who breach the code and regulations will receive penalty or disciplinary sanction. The sanctions include Oral Warning, Written Warning, Deferred Suspension and Expulsion.

Clause 3. The University will issue penalty to students by adequate proof according to the damage or effect of the improper behavior.


  1. Oral Warning: When a student violates regulations which results in slight or acceptable damage or effect on others or property of the university, they will receive an oral warning for their violation that they should not do it again and should try their best to eliminate the damage or effect .
  2. Written Warning: If a student violates regulations or law of the country which results in damage or effect on others or property of the university more seriously, they will receive a written warning for the violation that they should not do it again and should try their best to eliminate the damage or effect .
  3. Deferred Suspension: If a student violates regulations or law of the country which results in damage or effect on others or property of the university severely, they will receive a deferred suspension. The expulsion will automatically be enforced for any subsequent violation of the regulations of the university or laws of the country.
  4. Expulsion: The student is permanently deprived of his or her opportunity to study at the university in any status. The entire tuition fee will not be refunded, but the prepaid accommodation fee could be refunded according to the period they have been living.


Chapter Two Punishment

Clause 1. Students who breach the constitution of China or disturb the university or society will receive deferred suspension if they have made light damage or effect and could correct their behaviors. Those who insist in their actions will be expulsed from the university.

Clause 2. Students who breach the laws or codes of China and are punished by the public security office or judicial authorities will receive a deferred suspension if the punishment is security warning or fine; a deferred suspension or expulsion if the punishment is detention and expulsion if a criminal offense is confirmed.

Clause 3. Students involved in drug addiction, drug trafficking or drug producing will be expulsed by the university.

Clause 4. Students organizing or taking part in illegal parade, gathering or protest will receive deferred suspension and the leader of the activity will be expulsed.

Clause 5. Students joining cult or participating in heresy activity will receive deferred suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the case.

Clause 6. Students actively participating in pyramid selling will receive written warning and severer sanctions. Those who conduct pyramid selling on campus shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the case.

Clause 7. Students organizing or participating in religion activities on campus will receive written warning and severer sanctions depending on the seriousness of the case.

Clause 8. Students stealing or swindling money or properties of the country, a certain collective unit or a person will be fined 1000 RMB except for returning or compensating the money or properties. They will additionally receive the following sanctions depending on the cases.

  1. A written warning for stealing or swindling money or properties worthy of RMB 500 Yuan or fewer amounts.
  2. A deferred suspension or expulsion for stealing or swindling money or properties worthy of over RMB 500 Yuan.
  3. A expulsion for those stealing or swindling money or properties by shoddy means or for those who refuse to mend their ways despite repeated admonition.
  4. A deferred suspension or expulsion for collaborative crime, forswearing or giving false testimony.
  5. A deferred suspension or expulsion for those who falsely claim or swindle the money on remittance or properties by post by usurping other’s certificate or ID. The money and properties should be fully returned.

Clause 9.  Students who buy stolen properties for themselves or for others  on purpose and who conceal or dispose stolen properties shall receive following sanctions.

  1. Those who buy stolen properties shall return the properties and receive an oral warning or severer sanctions.
  2. Those who conceal or dispose stolen properties shall receive written warning or severer sanctions.
  3. Those  whose  conducts  are  identified  as  crime  shall be transferred to judicial authorities.


Clause 10. Students who take part in gambling shall receive oral warning or written warning depending on the seriousness of the case. Those who are often involved in gambling will receive deferred suspension or expulsion. Students who cause trouble after drink, threaten or endanger others, or disturb public order will receive written warning, deferred suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the case after fulfilling the civil or criminal responsibility.

Clause 11. Students destroying the properties of the country, a certain collective unit or a person shall compensate for the damage and additionally receive the following sanctions depending on the cases.

  1. An oral warning and severer sanctions for destroying the properties worthy of RMB 500 Yuan and fewer amounts.
  2. A deferred suspension or expulsion for destroying the properties worthy of over RMB 500 Yuan.

Clause 12. Students who cause trouble, fight with others, provide false evidence, possess controlled weapons or provide weapons for others will receive the following sanctions.

  1. Trouble makers who humiliate others in language or touch others by any means that irritate or intensify the contradiction into fighting will receive written warning or severer sanctions according to the seriousness of the cases.
  2. Those who try to beat others but don’t cause any injury will receive written warning and those who injure others will receive a deferred suspension or expulsion. Those who revenge others will receive written warning for causing no injury, deferred suspension for slight injury after fulfilling corresponding civil or criminal responsibility and compensation, and expulsion for severe injury or death afterfulfilling corresponding civil or criminal responsibility and compensation. Those who injure others with weapons will receive heavier sanctions than the sanctions list in this item.
  3. Students who organize or lead gang fighting shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion. Those who cause slight injury shall receive deferred suspension and expulsion for heavier injury or death.
  4. Students who are invited or participate in fighting will receive oral or written warning for irritating the contradiction even though they are not beating others directly, and receive the highest sanction listed in item 2 of clause 12 for beating others directly.
  5. Students who take sides in contradiction shall receive oral warning or severer sanctions if their conducts irritate the contradiction into severer dispute. Those who provide false evidence in the contradiction which results in difficult investigation shall receive written warning and severer sanctions. Those who settle disputes in private without informing of any departments which result in irritation of the contradiction shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion. Those who provide weapons for fighting shall receive written warning if no severe injury occurs and deferred suspension or expulsion for severe injury.
  6. Students who hide or bring controlled weapons shall receive deferred suspension and those resulting in severe injury shall be expulsed.
  7. Students who are involved in conducts listed in 2 or over 2 above mentioned items shall receive heavier sanctions than the highest sanction stated in the item till expulsion.
  8. Money loss, damage to property and medical expenses shall be borne by the responsible person. The University shall dispense the amount to 2 or more responsible persons.

Clause 13. Students who severely breach the morality of the human beings shall receive the following sanctions.

  1. Those who flirt with or humiliate women will receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  2. Those who make, duplicate, spread or hide pornographic audio-visual products or other products shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  3. Those who accommodate other people in the dormitory shall receive written warning or severer sanctions.
  4. Those who take part in prostitution or introduce prostitution shall be expulsed from the university.

Clause 14. Students who disturb public order, destroy public equipment or infringe upon communication privileges and bring backward affect to the society will be punished according to the following regulations.

  1. Students who disturb the public order in classroom, dormitory, meeting room, playground, and opera and so on will receive written warning or severer sanctions.
  2. Students who use controlled electric appliance in dormitory, shall receive written warning or severer sanctions.
  3. Students who destroy public equipment including power supply, broadcasting system, communication and so on will receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  4. Students causing fire by using electric appliance will receive written warning or severer sanctions. Those causing loss under  RMB  500  Yuan  shall  receive  written warning or deferred suspension. Those causing loss over RMB 500 Yuan shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  5. Students who hide, destroy or open letters of other people shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  6. Students who harass, attack or trick others on purpose by instant message, phone call or anonymous letters will receive written warning or severer sanctions.
  7. Students who interference with public functions of the public security officers or the administrators of the university shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion.

Clause 15. Students who infringe upon the benefits or rights of the university or participate in illegal business shall receive the following sanctions.

  1. Those who swindle the scholarship by cheating should return the money and receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  2. Those who leak the scientific achievement or technological secrets, transfer or use the scientific achievement without permission will receive deferred suspension or expulsion.
  3. Those who are involved in illegal business on campus will receive written warning or severer sanction.

Clause 16. The following students who violate the law or regulation by computer technology will compensate for all the loss and receive a deferred suspension or expulsion.

  1. Those who steal properties, valuable data or service of the country, a collective unit or a person by computer technology.
  2. Those who use the computer, telephone or other equipment of the university or a person without permission and cause tremendous losses.
  3. Those who modify, delete or destroy the files on  other’s

computer on purpose and cause loss.

  1. Those who introduce fraudulent, ruinous information or information violating social morals into equipment, computer system or internet by logging on illegal websites or by using computer technology.

Clause 17. Students who breach the examination disciplines shall receive oral warning or severer sanctions depending on the seriousness of the case. Those who attend the exams instead of others or by replacement organize cheating or cheat by communication apparatus shall be expulsed. Others cheating in exams shall receive deferred suspension.

Clause 18. Students who are absent in class will receive the following sanctions.

  1. Oral warning for absence of 10-19 hours without proper excuses.
  2. Written warning for absence of 20-29 hours without proper excuses.
  3. Deferred suspension for absence of 30-49 hours without proper excuses.
  4. Those who are absent in class for over 50 hours without proper excuses are regarded as dropping out of the university.
  5. Those who leave the university without permission and don’t return the university on time at the beginning of the semester without written informing of the university are regarded as absence in class for 6 hours every day.
  6. Those who leave the university for over 2 weeks (including weekends and holidays) or for 3 times without permission shall be expulsed from the university.


  1. Except for hospitalization, 5 hours for leave equals to 1 hour absence in class. Asking for leave requires written application with corresponding certificates.

Clause 19. Students who cheat, steal or copy other’s scientific research achievement shall receive deferred suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the case.

Clause 20. Students who rent an apartment without informing of the College of International Education shall receive oral warning or severer sanctions. Those who don’t modify their conducts shall receive written warning or severer sanctions.

Clause 21. Students who swim in the coast without permission shall receive oral warning or severer sanctions.

Clause 22.  International students are not allowed to drive motorcycles/cars.

The motorists will receive deferred suspension or expulsion.

Chapter Thre Aggravation and Alleviation of the Sanctions

Clause 1. Students who breach the regulation could be alleviated from the sanctions for the following circumstances.

  1. Those who positively report to the administration after beaching the regulations.
  2. Those who positively report on the guilt of others and the guilt are verified.
  3. Those who behavior positively in the guilt investigation.

Clause 2. Students who breach the regulation will be aggravated from the sanctions under the following circumstances.

  1. Those who refuse to report the guilt or report with bad manners after breaching the regulations.
  2. Those who threaten or avenge the offence-reporter or witness.
  3. Those who hide the truth.
  4. Those who are tardy in paying the compensation on purpose.
  5. Those who shield or instigate breaching the regulations or cast the breach to others.

Clause 3. Students who refuse to mend their ways after punishment for breaching the regulations shall receive expulsion from the university.


Chapter Four Investigation and Treatment of the Disciplinary Offence

Clause 1. Investigation of the disciplinary offence shall be conducted according to the following code.

  1. For common disciplinary offence, the Student Affairs Office of College of International Education shall be in charge of the investigation and evidence collection. The Student Affairs Office shall propose treatment suggestions to the college, and then publicize the treatment to the students for one week.
  2. For violations of “Regulations of the PRC on Administrative Penalties for Public Security” or other Chinese laws and regulations, the Security Office of the university shall be in charge of the investigation with the assistance of the College of International Education. The Security Office shall report to the university and the College of International Education publicizes the treatment to the students.

Clause 2. Materials required for treatment of the students includes:

  1. Main proof, i.e. statement or defense of the students, testimony of the witness, exhibit, expert conclusion, receipts of expenses, arbitration, decision of the administration or judicial authorities.
  2. Accreditation materials which shall be true with completed formalities and in accordance with procedures.
  3. Official report written by the College of International Education.


Clause 3. Limit of authority and time

  1. Oral warning, written warning and deferred suspension shall be proposed by the Student Affairs Office, and submitted to the College of International Education. Student Affairs Office issues punishment decision with approval and publicizes it for one week.
  2. Expulsion shall be proposed by Student Affairs Office. After going through the procedures of expulsion by other offices, it will be submitted to the dean of College of International Education. Student Affairs Office will issue and notice the expulsion decision for one week with the approval of dean. Visa office will cancel the expellee’s study visa in 15 days.
  3. College of International Education shall issue punishment decision in 3 days after investigation with exception of 5 days for specific occasion.

Clause 4. Sanction Procedure

  1. The Student Affairs Office will be in charge of proof collection.
  2. The Student Affairs Office shall propose the punishment suggestions according to the proof.
  3. The College of International Education shall discuss the punishment decision, listen to the defense and appeal from the student or the proxy, and propose treatment suggestions.

Clause 5.  The sanction decision shall be publicized in Chinese and English  in name of the College of International Education. The decision shall include the fact and proof.

Clause 6. The sanction decision shall be delivered to the student. If they are not available, the decision is required to reach them by phone, mail or announcement via monitors and part-time class teachers.

Clause 7. College of International Education shall alter the visa and residence period for the student who have breached the regulations and inform the public security office.

Clause 8. Students who are contentious to the sanction shall appeal to the dean of College of International Education in 5 days after receiving the decision.

Clause 9. Students who receive the appeal decisions to leave the university shall pay all the fees and leave the international students dormitory and the university in 2 weeks (10 working days) after receiving the appeal decision.

Clause 10.  The sanction materials shall be archived to the   international

students’ punishment decision files.

Clause 11. The conducts not mentioned in this Code shall be handled in accordance with the clauses and items of Code.

Clause 12. The Code is mutually complementary to other regulations in the University.

Clause 13. The College of International Education is responsible for the explanation of the Code.




为规范留学生管理,提升教学管理质量,推动留学生素养养成教育工作,强 化课堂纪律,明确任课教师和兼职班主任管理职责,特制定本管理规范。


2.课堂考勤由任课教师负责。任课教师每学期开课时应明确有关考勤的基本 要求,及考勤在学生课程考核中所占的比例(不低于 10%)。

3.兼职班主任负责对本班学生名单进行核对,对于有信息异常的及时向教 务办公室进行反馈。教务办公室核实后修改学生名单并向教师提供准确的学生信 息。

4.任课教师有整顿课堂纪律的责任,对迟到、早退、聊天、打瞌睡、玩手机 等违反课堂纪律的学生要进行必要的管理和批评教育。


6.兼职班主任负责对违犯课堂纪律和旷课的留学生做好《个别留学生访谈 记录》,报送学生事务办公室。学生事务办公室根据学生违纪情况按照《留学生 违纪处分细则》做出相应处分决定。

7.按《学生手册》规定,缺勤超过 1/3 课时的学生不能参加期末考试,本课 程按计 0 分处理。

8.任课教师根据班级情况进行考勤,每周至少考勤一次。考勤方式可灵活多 样,如点名、随堂小测试等。

9.学生因病或其他原因不能上课时,必须履行请假手续,如果急诊可以补 办请假条,但须持门诊证明。经国际教育学院及任课教师批准,方可请假。请假 期满,应到国际教育学院办理销假手续。如请假期满仍不能回校学习,必须按有 关规定办理续假手续并附有关证明,否则以旷课论处。

10.签证请假:由于办理签证居留许可原因请假,须取得签证办公室提供请 假条方可请假。

11.课程或学期结束时,任课教师应及时将课堂考勤表送到国际教育学院教 务办公室进行建档保存。

12. 留学生考试由任课教师和班主任共同负责监考,班主任为辅助监考。监 考人员在考试前应向留学生强调考场纪律,并严格监考,对于违犯考场纪律的留学生,应按照相关规定严肃处理。

13.留学生第一次违犯考场纪律时,监考老师予以警告,并记下该生学号,在 最终成绩中扣除一定分数;第二次违犯时,监考老师收走该生试卷,该生成绩记 0 分。同时,监考班主任将该留学生信息报送学生事务办公室,由学生事务办公 室根据《外国留学生违纪处分细则》,给予该学生相应处分。

14.如在考试过程中监考老师认定为作弊行为,国际教育学院不再接受学生申 诉。




These management regulations are established to maintain the management order, to promote teaching quality and students’ accomplishment, to enhance discipline of teaching and to clarify responsibilities of teachers and part-time head teachers.

  1. Scope of applicationall English-teaching classes of international students.
  2. Teachers are responsible for recording attendance of students. Teachers should define the basic requirements of attendance system at the beginning of every semester, and clear how much proportion of attendance accounts for in curriculum evaluation (no less than 10%)
  3. Part-time head teachers are responsible for checking the list of students. If head teachers find any abnormal information, they should timely inform Administration Office, and Administration Office will correct information and give back to head teachers.
  4. Teachers have responsibilities for the discipline of class and have right to criticize and admonish the students who are late for class and leave early, sleep or play mobile phone in class.
  5. Part-time head teachers have responsibilities for communicating with all teachers about attendance and class discipline every week.
  6. Part-time head teachers should fill Record of Talks for international students who play truant or break class discipline and then send the record to Students Affairs Office. Students Affairs Office should make corresponding punishment decisions according to Code of Punishment for Disciplinary Offence of International Students.
  7. According to International Students’ Handbook, a student who absent for more than 1/3 class hours is not allowed to sit final exam and he will get zero.
  8. Teachers should record the attendance of students at least once a week according to the real situation. The ways of checking may be various, such as roll call or quizzes.
  9. Students who couldn’t attend class for illness or other reasons must ask for leave from LIE. In case of emergency, they could go through application for leave after class with evidence from clinic. Returning students are required to register in LIE. Those who cannot return in due time should apply for an extension of leave and provide relevant statements or proof to LIE, otherwise, they would be taken as absence from class.
  10. Ask for leave for visa: only when the students get relevant statements or certifications from CIE, can they leave.
  11. Teachers should send attendance sheets to College Office of LIE for archiving at the end of a course or a semester.
  12. Both teachers and head teachers are responsible for supervising the exam, and head teachers aids invigilation. Invigilators should explain the discipline to all international students before the exam and strictly invigilate. Teachers should strictly punish students who break the discipline of exam.
  13. If International students break the discipline at the first time, teacher would give warning and deduct certain scores in the final grade; at the second time, teachers would clear the test paper away and grade of this subject would be zero. At the same time, head teachers should send the information of this student to for Students Affairs Office. for Students Affairs Office will give this student corresponding punishments according to Code of Punishment for Disciplinary Offence of International Students.
  14. If the student is identified as cheating by invigilator in the examhis appeal to LIE would not be accepted.





为了加强留学生学习纪律,保证良好的教学秩序,严格教风学风,维护留学 生在华安全,特制订我院留学生请假制度。



1)事假,因家里发生重大事情而无法继续呆在学校上课而提出的请假, 学生一般不得请事假,若请事假必须有充足理由。

A、许可的请假事由包括:a、派出所登记、签证与使馆事宜;b、家庭急务 需要回国。

B、不予许可的请假事由包括:a、家庭内务,如送家电、家具;b、租房、 调换宿舍;c、照看孩子或家人、参加孩子家长会等;d、至机场、车站接送家人 或朋友e银行事f在非官方假期(如学期未结束回国等g因家 庭庆祝活动(如婚礼)回国。

2)病假,因身体不适而无法按时上课而提出的请假,学生请病假必须持 医院证明,办理病假手续。若因急病不能及时履行请假手续者,须经班主任核实 确认,否则不得补假。同时在返校时补交正规医院相关证明材料(不含:XX XX 药房等非正规医疗机构

3)公假,因参加学校或其它地方重大活动而无法上课而提出的请假,学 生必须提供相关证明。

2、学生请事假、病假、公假时,必须去学院学生事务办公室办理请假手续, 否则请假无效。

3、考试期间,除病假外,其它情况一般不得请假。如果请假,不论时间长 短,需向学院教务学籍办公室申请,申请通过,方可请假。


15 天,特殊情况请说明理由。

5、如请假外出济南市,必须写清楚出行路线、乘车工具、随行人员、联系 方式及事由。






学生请假期满,如有特殊原因,不能返校时,应说明事由并向学院学生事务 办公室申请续假。不续假者、续假不成者以旷课论处。


请假期满后必须及时到学院学生事务办公室处销假,否则被视为缺勤。 五、其他

1、学生请假理由必须真实,一经发现弄虚作假、编造理由者,视其情节轻 重,给予相应处分。





Ask for Leave System in College of International Education for International Students

In order to strengthen the study discipline and maintain well-organized teaching implementation, the Ask for Leave System is stipulated hereafter.

First, regulations for ask for leave system

  1. There are 3 types of absence: leave for personal affairs, sickness leave and official leave.
  1. Leave for personal affairs: Generally students are not allowed to ask for leave because of personal affairs, unless there is a sound reason.
  1. The authorized leave includes: a, police registration, visa and the embassy affairs; b, family emergency;.
  2. The unauthorized leave includes: a, family events, such as house appliance or furniture delivery; b, housing matters; c, childcare or family care, or schooling arrangement etc; d, meeting friends or family at the airport or station e, banking business; f, the unofficial holiday flights (such as returning home early at the end of the semester, etc.); g, family celebrations such as wedding.
  1. Sickness leave: If they cannot go to class on time because of physical discomfort, students must bring the hospital certificate to go through the procedures for sickness leave. If the student cannot complete the procedures in time due to sudden indisposition, the head teacher in charge of the class must confirm it, otherwise your request will not be accepted. When you get over sickness, you are required to submit Hospital Certification and relevant testimonial materials (not including: XX clinic, XX pharmacy and other informal medical organizations).
  2. Official leave: If you cannot attend classes because of taking part in the school activity or other local events related to the university, students



must provide the relevant certificates to get authorized for leave.

  1. The 3 types of absence are only inspected and vetted by college Students Affairs Office. Any permission of leave by other offices or staff is invalid. 3. Apart from the sickness leave, generally you cannot ask for leave during the term examinations. If you have to ask for absence in exams, you are required to apply to the College Teaching Affairs Office in ahead no matter how long the absence would be. If your application is permitted, you can ask for leave from student affairs office.
  1. Except for sickness leave, absence should not be more than a week. The total absence time each semester cannot be more than 15 days. Excuse for longer absence is required and vetted under special circumstances.
  2. If you travel out of Qingdao, you must write clearly the route of your trip, transportation tools, entourage, contact information and reasons.

Second, permission on ask for leave

  1. Asking for leave within a week should be vetted and signed by the teacher of the college Students Affairs Office for approval.
  2. Asking for leave for more than a week should be vetted and signed by the dean or deputy dean for approval.

Third, extension of applied absence

If there is a special reason that you can't come back to school on time, you are required to apply to the college Students Affairs Office to extend your absence. If not, you will be regarded as being absent.

Fourth, report back after absence

You are required to report to the college Students Affairs Office to terminate your absence when you are back to university. Otherwise you will be regarded as absence after the given period.

Fifth, the others

  1. Reasons for leave must be truthful. Any fraud and fault will lead to corresponding punishment depending on the seriousness.
  2. If a student breaks the rules of asking for leave, he will be regarded  as absence and truancy. The truancy hours is accumulated according to the actual teaching hours every day.
  3. This system is formulated and interpreted by the College of International Education.










7、 学生允许维修人员进入房间进行日常维护,允许老师和管理员人员违纪调查或不定期房间检查。



  1. 请妥善保管好自己房间的钥匙,不得将钥匙转借他人,不得擅自配钥匙留学生个人携带的钱、物及贵重物品,要妥善保管,不要随意乱放。外出时要锁门,保管好钥匙,切勿转借他人使用。有钥匙丢失或损坏者,支付10元赔偿费。
  2. 严禁破坏公物,私自损坏、更换门锁者,处予50元罚款,并通报其所在学校。




  1. 严禁浪费水电,用完水要及时关水,离开房间应关灯、关空调。

16、保持学生宿舍及公共场所的整洁。禁止在教室及大厅聚餐;严禁高空掷物;请勿在房间墙壁上乱写乱画;请勿在楼道内堆放杂物,或向窗外抛掷物品,生活垃圾应放置在楼外垃圾桶(不要丢在马桶里/Never in toilet;保持厨房、电视房、大厅、洗衣房等公共区域的卫生;禁止饲养小动物。



  1. 严禁在一楼大厅内打羽毛球等球类运动,严禁在宿舍楼门外踢足球、打篮球。
  2. 如遇到任何涉及到宿舍、教室或其他公共设施的使用问题,请第一时间和前台管理员老师沟通,不要私自解决。


Overseas Student Hostel management Rules


  1.  On arrival to the reception,you are expected to pick your room keys and apartment rules and other materials. After that, you are expected to pay your accommodation fee and deposit within the first week.
  2.  Do not change your room without informing the office. In case some of the items in your room are not in order, you can freely inform the office.

3..Ensure that all items in your room are in order after which you are expected to sign on the form bearing the list of items in your room. Be responsible for your items, in case you break an item, you should compensate for it. If any item is not in order, report to the reception as soon as possible.

4. Every room should have two occupants, in case you count to live alone, you should be in a position to pay double the amount. Otherwise, this issue is procedural.

5. In every month, each person is expected to use 80KWH electricity power per month which will be topped up at the 10th day of every month. In case your room doesn’t have power before 10th ,you are expected to top up the power that can push you up to the 10th day after which the caretaker will top up the power.

6. All the student are supposed to leave one week after the end term exam. If you have a good reason as to why you should continue being in the hostel, you should inform the office. Otherwise you are expected to pay 30 yuan every day. (Scholarship students are exceptional)

7.Maintenance personnel should be allowed to enter your room for routine maintenance and dorm supervisors to conduct disciplinary investigation or irregular room inspection.

8.Visitor are not allowed to enter your room. In case you have a visitor, you should meet her/him at the reception area and you should not exceed 10:00 pm.

9. The hostel gate will always be open at 6:30 am and closed at 11:00 pm. The caretakers will visit you twice every week to check the condition of your room.

10. Please take care of your keys,if you lose your keys you should compensate for it.

11. Destroying public property is prohibited. Do not change your padlock,in case you are caught,the office will report you case to the institution in your country as well as charging you 50yuan for compensation.

12. Don’t use dangerous items in your room.

13. Neither smoke nor take alcoholic drink in the hostel,when you smoke while outside, throw all your cigarette butts in the dustbin.

14.Usage of electrical appliances such as cooker, kettle, blanket, etc. Hair drier charger and extensions can be used, you should switch them off before leaving your room.

15.Electricity and water should be saved. Please turn off the appliances before you leave the room, especially the air conditioner.

16. It’s your responsibility to keep your room tidy as well as public areas. Public areas includes, reception area, kitchen, washing area, pavements. TV room,classroom etc. The management prohibits throwing rubbish in these places. Also, don’t throw rubbish in your toilet bowels. After taking your shower, collect all the rubbish and put it in the dustbin especially your hair to prevent water outlet blockage.

17. During resting time 12:00 pm—2:00 pm and 12:00 pm —7:00 am the following day, make sure that you don’t make exaggerated noise or use very loud music.

18.At the back of the door of every room is a diagram showing the fire evacuation route. Everyone is expected to read, understand and familiarize with it.

19. Don’t play any game in the building or in the compound outside the building eg football, volleyball, badminton or any other related game.

20.If you encounter any problems involving the use of dormitories, classrooms or other public facilities, please contact the front desk administrator for the first time, and do not solve the problem privately.




为了维护课堂教学秩序,严格课堂纪律,保证教学工作的正常进行,特制定 本规定。

1. 教学楼内的教室,由教务处统一编排使用与管理。

2. 学生上课应提前进入教室,不迟到,不早退、不旷课。迟到 10 分钟者,教

师有权不让其进入教室。一节课内迟到或早退超过 15 分钟,以旷课论处。

3. 遵守课堂纪律,认真听课、积极思考;课内不交头接耳,不吃东西,不使用 手机。

4. 保持黑板清洁,每节课前或课间由学生清除无关内容。


5. 自觉保持教室、走廊、墙壁的清洁,不得随地吐痰、乱丢纸屑杂物、不得在 课桌、椅、黑板和墙壁上刻划、涂写和张贴,不准在教室动用明火和违章用 电。违者除责令其清洗、撤除外并按损坏程度赔偿或罚款。

6. 学生不得穿拖鞋、背心进入教室上课,在课堂、走廊内请勿大声喧哗,不得影响他人和干扰其他班级上课。严禁在教学楼内抽烟。

7. 学生上课或自习后离开教室,应随手关闭灯具、电扇电源和门窗。

8. 除重大节假日外,教室不准安排娱乐性活动(特殊情况须经教务处批准

9. 教室内的课桌椅、设备未经国际教育学院批准,任何单位和个人都不得拿出。



Classroom Order


This rule is stipulated to maintain the classroom discipline and ensure the operation of classroom activities.

  1. Classrooms in teaching buildings are managed and coordinated by the university dean’s office.
  2. Students are required to enter classrooms in advance before the class begins without early leave and absence. Teachers own the privilege to stop students who are late for 10 minutes attending the class. Students who are late for 15 minutes or leaving 15 minutes earlier will be regarded as absence to that class.
  3. Students are required to comply with the classroom discipline, listen to teachers carefully and interact actively. Students are required not to talk, eat and use cellphone in class.
  4. Students are required to clean the blackboard before the class.
  5. Students are required to keep the classroom, corridor, and wall clean. No spitting, littering and no carving, scribbling and pasting papers on desks, chairs, blackboard and wall. Open fire and improper power usage is prohibited in classrooms. Those who breach the rules are required to terminate the action and compensate for the damage.
  6. Students are required not wearing slippers or vest in classrooms. Keep quiet in classroom and corridor so that other students or class could not be disturbed. Smoking is prohibited in classrooms.
  7. Students are required to shut off all the lights, fans, windows and doors when leaving the classrooms after class or study.
  8. Entertainment  activities are  prohibited  in classrooms except  for key

festivals or permission by the dean’s office.

  1. The furniture and equipment in classrooms are under management of dean’s office. Any unit or person is prohibited to bring anything out of the classroom.







1. 自行车是轻型人力车,所以原则上要在非机动车道上或者有标识的道路 上行驶。

2. 禁止酒后骑车。

3. 禁止骑车带人。(但是可以带 1 个不满 6 岁的孩子)

4. 禁止 2 辆车并排行驶。(禁止并行)

5. 骑车时,不打手机。

6. 骑车时,不戴随身听等的耳机、头戴耳机。

7. 雨天不打伞骑车。雨天需要骑车时,要穿上雨衣。

8. 拐弯时或是从小路上大道时,要慢行、或停一下。

9. 违反交通规则被警官发现、处罚时,即使说“不知道”也无济于事。



1. 确认自己或是对方的伤害状况,严重时叫救护车(电话号码:120),抢救 伤人、保护现场 ,及时拨打 110、122 等求助电话。不向警察申报事故,就无法 及时获得救助和保障,在申请支付保险金时,也无法获得交通事故证明书。



4. 如果受了伤,即使不很严重,过后也一定到医院检查,因为有些伤害后 果,需要时间才能发作。

5. 请尽可能及时与学校的老师联系,因为语言交流方面的困难,使误会更 容易产生,因此,老师的介入是留学生的安全得到保障的重要措施。

(四)学生日常乘坐机动车出行,一定要乘坐正规出租车或者公交车,千万 不要乘坐非法黑出租,否则发生交通事故造成伤害时,由于黑出租没有在有关部 门进行登记,留学生的合法权益得不到法律的充分保障,容易受到侵害。

1. 上、下课的路上,要遵守交通规则,靠右通行,穿过马路要走人行横道,



2. 不要把道路当做运动场,打球、滑旱冰等。

3. 不要戴着耳机听着音乐走在路上。

4. 不要在道路上嬉笑打闹。

5. 进出校门,不要走机动车行驶道。 二、留学生在中国学习、生活中涉及的其他安全方面的注意事项:


1. 离开宿舍后,要关好门窗。

2. 早上、中午、晚上睡觉时,要关好宿舍房门。

3. 不要把学习物品及其它贵重物品放于教室、图书馆、运动场等场所。

4. 不要把手机、钱包等贵重物品放在外衣口袋中,易被扒窃,也容易滑落 遗失。

(二)提高火灾防范意识 1. 不要违章使用电器。

2. 离开房间时,要及时关闭用电器。

3. 不要随便乱丢未熄灭的烟头。

4. 掌握灭火器的使用方法。遇到火灾事故,尤其是火灾初期,要保持冷静, 学会处置初级火情,利用就近的灭火器进行扑灭。

5. 遇到火灾事故时,掌握火灾逃生的方法。保持有序撤离,严禁发生次生 危害。


1. 禁止酒后滋事。酗酒已经成为留学生与他人发生纠纷、造成伤害的主要 诱因。

2. 禁止私自下水游泳。严格禁止私自到无人的海域、河流游泳,必须到政 府开放、允许游泳且有安全员巡逻的海域游泳。




  1. Traffic Safety
    1. Bicycle
      1. Bicycle is non-motor vehicle which is allowed to run along the bicycle lane.
      2. Drunk Riding is prohibited.
      3. Carrying passengers is prohibited (except for carrying a kid under 6 years old).
      4. Abreast riding is prohibited.
      5. Bear in mind that don’t talk on the cellphone, don’t use earphone, don’t hold a umbrella when riding and be slow or stop when turning a corner or turning from path to the main road.
      6. It is not the excuse for denying fine or penalty by the traffic

police that you don’t know the traffic rule.

  1. International students of UPC are not allowed to ride motor vehicles.
  2. Accident Handling
    1. Confirm the injury condition and call 120 for ambulance if it is severe. Try to rescue the injured and protect the accident spot. Call 110 and 122 for help. Insurance premium could not be paid if there is no accident certificate written by police.
    2. Confirm the name, address and contact number of the accident party.
    3. Contact the insurance company at the same time if you buy the insurance.
    4. Physical exam is necessary if you are injured. Internal  injury

usually breaks out after a while.


  1. Try to contact the university administrator or your classmates for language interpretation to eliminate the misunderstanding.
  2. Students are required to take licensed taxis. The rights and interests of the students could not be protected if a traffic accident happens when they take an unlicensed taxi because they are not registered in the municipal administration.
    1. Students are required to abide by the traffic rule on the road. Use the pedestrian crossing when crossing the road and following the traffic signs.
    2. Don’t play balls and roller skating on the main road.
    3. Don’t listen to music by earphone on the road.
    4. Don’t use the motor lane when going through the campus gates.
  1. Safety Awareness
    1. Prevention of Thieving
      1. Close the window and lock the door when leaving the dormitory.
      2. Lock the door for nap at noon or sleep in night.
      3. Don’t bring valuables to classroom, library, playground  and

other public places.

  1. Cellphone, purse and other valuable shall not be put into the pockets of outwear to prevent theft or loss.
  2. Prevention of Fire
    1. Use electrical appliance according to the instructions.
    2. Shut off the electrical appliance when leaving the room.
    3. Don’t liter lit cigarette stub.
    4. Master the usage of fire extinguisher. Be calm to handle tiny flame and use fire extinguisher to put out a fire.
    5. Master the methods to escape from fire hazard. Evacuate from the scene of fire orderly to prevent the occurrence of secondary harm.
  3. Prevention of Accidental Injury
    1. Drinking could trigger argument and injury everywhere.
    2. Don’t swim without permission. It is prohibited to swim in deserted coast. Swimming is allowed only at open coast with security patrolling.




  • 校园卡、学生证和网络/meal card, student card, and internet
  • 学生证:入学一个月内,国际教育交流学院将为学生统一办理学生证。留学生学生证不可以借书,但或可以享受车票和门票优惠。
  • 网络:桐园安装了中国移动公司/China Mobile的WiFi接收设备。可以在校园内办理中国移动公司的上网套餐。(仅中国移动/China Mobile Only, and data package is different from WIFI)
  • 校园卡:可在校园内餐厅就餐,超市买东西及去图书馆借阅书籍。入学后两周内办理,具体事项请等候通知。
  • 银行服务band

BOC: Bank of China (Currency)

ABC: Agricultural Bank of China

CCB: China Construction Bank

ICBC: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Other Banks

六、常用电话/Useful telephone numbers

桐园办公室/Tongyuan Office:(0635)8238567

桐园管理员/Front desk:8238557

国际学院办公室/School office:8239618

校内报警/Campus police:8239110

报警/Police: 110

火警/Fire: 119

急救/First aid: 120

查询电话号码/Yellow pages: 114

交通肇事/Traffic police: 122

© 2016-2018 聊城大学 国际教育交流学院
地址:聊城大学东校区(山东省聊城市湖南路1号) 邮编:252059