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Introduction to Chinese Bridge 2022 Online Exchange Program at Liaocheng University (Chinese Language plus Climate Action)



  Themed Chinese Language plus Climate Action , Chinese Bridge 2022 Online Exchange Program at Liaocheng University opens in November, 2022. You are welcome to join us to learn practical Chinese online, experience the wonderful Chinese culture, and perceive the customs of different regions in China.


  参学奖励  Credit Hour Bonus


  Students admitted to this online exchange program can, upon their full attendance to all courses as specified and completion of all assignments and/or interaction activities as required, receive a total of 2 (TWO) credit hours either on Chinese language or Chinese culture courses in line with International Student Program of Liaocheng University. Students receiving this credit hour bonus can ask for supporting documents from Liaocheng University, or equate this credit hour bonus when they choose to study in Liaocheng University within 3 years since the end of this online program. Liaocheng University reserves all the rights to the final interpretation of the above mentioned credit hour bonus. Outstanding participants will be awarded certificates for their academic performance.


  招生计划  How many offers


  About 90 students.


  招生对象  Who can apply


  Non-native Chinese speakers, who are interested in Chinese language and culture, regardless of country and age. Priority is given to the Confucius Institutes co-established with Liaocheng University and international education partners abroad, and international friends from Pacific island countries ,who love Chinese and are concerned about climate change. If the number of applicants exceeds the enrollment plan, priority will be given to young people with a certain Chinese proficiency.


  学习费用  Fees




  学习时间  Program time


  November 29, 2022-December 7, 2022


  学习方式  How to study

  实时授课 + 线上活动(利用中文联盟等平台)+ 视频课程(使用“汉语桥”官网、“汉语桥”俱乐部App平台)

  Class live broadcast + online activities + video courses (using the "Chinese Bridge" official website and the Chinese Bridge club App)


  报名时间When to apply


  Before November 28, 2022


  报名方式How to apply


  1. Register and create your personal account at the official website of Chinese Bridge , http://bridge.chinese.cn/online/camp/camp/1943/accounts/blinding/10109


  2. Submit your registration information at https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Ou90NsS.aspx#


  联系方式  Contact Information

  联系人: 郝老师  陈老师

  Admissions Officer: Dr. HAO, Dr. CHEN

  电话: 0086-635-8239596 8239671

  Telephone: 0086-635-8239596 8239671

  电子邮件: interadmission@lcu.edu.cn, liaocheng_university@hotmail.com

  E-Mail: interadmission@lcu.edu.cn, liaocheng_university@hotmail.com

  地址: 252000, 山东省聊城市东昌府区湖南路1号

  Address: 252000, NO. 1, Hunan Rd., Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng, Shandong, China

  网址: http://sie.lcu.edu.cn

  Website: http://sie.lcu.edu.cn


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